Malcolm Walker
When renovating an existing home, it is common practice to add extra living space. But the owners of this tired inner-suburban villa had a further request on their wish list, one that many take for granted – an off-street parking space for the family car. With a tight site and limited access, there were some big challenges to overcome. Yet the potential to create something special was even bigger. Precise planning and clever design allowed for covered, secure parking. Next on the list was maximising the spectacular views and privacy afforded by the elevation at the back of the site. The home was extended to add a second living space here. A full-width balcony on the upper level soaks up the sunshine and light, while providing shelter for the paved outdoor living space below. Although the house has essentially been rebuilt, it retains its original character – right down to replicating and repairing the pressed-metal ceilings and supporting and retaining a redundant, now decorative, original brick chimney. The result is a charming, yet modern home that seamlessly fits into its neighbourhood.